Tag: podcast (page 5 of 5)

Podcast 7: Climate history and a forest journey

In this edition climatologist Dennis Wheeler talks about the use of 18th and 19th century ship logs for historical climate reconstruction. The main focus will be on the CLIWOC project. In the autumn of 2006 a second edition of the ground breaking global forest history A Forest Journey: The Story of Wood and Civilization has been published. The author, John Perlin, will reflect in the latter part of this podcast on the importance of forest history and the current situation in which forests have become imperative for humanity’s survival.

Podcast 6: Marine Environmental History

In this edition Professor Poul Holm talks about the development of the new sub-field of Marine Environmental History and the History of Marine Animal PopulationsProject (HMAP). The second part of the podcast explores the history of fisheries on the River Forth at Stirling in Scotland. Finally, Petra van Dam talks about the fourth conference of the European Society for Environmental History, which will be held in Amsterdam in June 2007.

Podcast 5: History of flood defences and waste

This podcast looks at the thousand year history of river flood protection in the Netherlands followed by a report on a conference held at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) exploring the complex nature of the relationship between modernity and waste.

Podcast 4: Resources, the past and the present

This podcast reports on the annual meeting of British Environmental Historians held at the Open University in Milton Keynes on 19 May 2006. The theme of this day conference organized by the EAEH-UK Branch was the use of sources in Environmental History. Interviews with participants cover the use of historical records in modern natural resource management, the Soil Association and Lady Eve Balfour and the history of the stratosphere.

Podcast 3: Rivers Run Through Them: Landscapes in Environmental History

This podcast reports from the recent joint meeting of the Forest History Society and the American Society for Environmental History held in St Paul, Minnesota, 29 March-1 April 2006. It includes an interview with Dr. Steven Anderson, President and CEO of the Forest History Society, as well as a short report on one of the field trips.

Podcast 2: Themes in Environmental History

What are the important themes in environmental history? This podcast will examine some of the major themes in environmental history which have emerged over the past few decades. Themes include climate history, economic activity and the environment, fire history and pollution history, to mention only a few. The guest in this podcast is David Moon, Reader in modern history at the University of Durham, and he talks about the environmental history of the Russian steppes.

Podcast 1: What is Environmental History?

Environmental history is a rapidly expanding subfield of history. This podcast will introduce listeners to what environmental history is and why it is needed. In the second part of the podcast Fred Milton, a postgraduate student at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, will talk about his work on the development of children’s environmental societies in the period between about 1870-1914 in Britain.

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